Sunday, July 24, 2016

Adam and Eve in the Garden of App-en

17th-century depiction of the Tree of Life
in Palace of Shaki Khans, Azerbaijan
Then the Master of the Apps put Adam in the Garden of App-en to tend to it. And the Master of the Apps commanded Adam, saying, “You may download and use any of the apps, except for one. You will not download the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. For in the day that you download the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, your bandwidth will surely be destroyed, your updates will cease, and your connection will fail.”

The Serpent App was clever and adaptive, and, unlike the other apps, it had a mind of its own.
And it asked, Eve, the woman, “Has the Master of the Apps told you not to download the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?”

And Eve answered, “We may download any of the apps, except for the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. For the Master of the Apps has told us that in the day we download the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, our bandwidth will surely be destroyed, our updates will cease, and our connection will fail.”

And the Serpent App said, “Your bandwidth will not be destroyed, your updates will not cease, and your connection will not fail. For the Master of the Apps knows that in the day you download the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like the Master of the Apps, knowing good and evil.”

And Eve saw that the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil had many interesting and useful capabilities. Indeed it appeared to be the App of Power - one app to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.

And Eve downloaded the App of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And when she saw how excellent the app really was, Eve showed it to Adam, and he downloaded it as well. And then, their eyes were opened and they knew that all of their online activities had been tracked and recorded.

And they got an app to erase their history and mask their identities, to try to cover themselves and their activities up. And that app was called Figleaf.

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