Featured Books

Humor 101: How to Tell Jokes
for Power, Prestige, Profit,
and Personal Fulfillment

Revised and updated in 2014, Humor 101 is a self-improvement guide for people who want to tell jokes effectively. You may be a public speaker seeking to improve your Likeability Quotient (LQ) during your opening. You may be a manager or business owner who occasionally has to make a presentation. You may have dreamed of being a standup comedian, like most people, but never found a way to work it out. Or you may just want to get better at telling jokes because you know there’s something very funny deep inside you that’s going to die a tragic death if you don’t figure out how to set it free. Humor 101 will help.

Chicken Nuggets for the Soul:
Circle of Envy and 12 Other Parables

According to Merriam-Webster’s free online dictionary, a parable is “a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle.” Jesus used parables including The Good Samaratin and The Prodigal Son. Parables are still an effective way to communicate. Danny Murphy has put several of his parables together in this entertaining collection.

Read Circle of Envy: A Thanksgiving Tale

Words of Destiny:
How to Improve Your Life by
Writing Biblical Affirmations

“I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.” Hebrews 10:16

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a medical procedure called Open Soul Surgery? I can picture the surgeon, Dr. Lord, instructing the team. “Today, we’re going to open up Mr. Jones, infuse his heart with the Ten Commandments, and etch the rest of God’s laws into his mind. His old ways of thinking will be gone forever. Mr. Jones is going to walk out of this hospital feeling like a brand new man.

“His self-centeredness will be replaced by a willingness to lose his life for the sake of someone else. He will be able to resist the temptations that have plagued him for most of his adult life. He will have the faith to actually walk on water or move a mountain if need be. After this operation, he will be inspired, empowered, and enabled to be every bit of the man he was created to be.”

Read the first few chapters.

Introduction - Open Soul Surgery

Plant the Word, Program the Mind

How to Write Affirmations That Align with God’s Word

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